Essential Oil for Congestion
Essential Oil for Congestion
Kapha Kapha, a nurturing healing oil meticulously crafted to combat the symptoms of colds, flu, cough, congestion, and runny nose, suitable for individuals of all ages. The name "Kapha" is deeply rooted in the ancient Ayurvedic tradition, representing one of the three doshas or biological energies found throughout the human body and mind. Kapha embodies the elements of earth and water, symbolizing structure, fluidity, and nourishment. It governs the physical aspects such as body strength, community, and growth, as well as emotional aspects like compassion, patience, and loyalty. Kapha Kapha, therefore, is designed to balance and invigorate the Kapha dosha, aiding in the alleviation of symptoms associated with excess Kapha — cold, flu, and respiratory issues.
This is the only product that my kids would let me put on them for congestion. It's strong enough to relieve the stuffiness, but it doesn't burn their eyes. Plus, it's gentle on the skin and has a soothing, mild scent.
I love how it uplifts my mood while also dealing with my sinus issues. A must-have during allergy season.
Helps with my kids' coughs and congestion without irritating their skin. A staple in our home now.
It's good but didn't find it as effective for severe congestion. Works well for mild symptoms and is non-greasy
Really helps with my cold symptoms, especially the runny nose and cough. I just wish it was a little less expensive.